Homemade Lime Cordial For The Best Gin Gimlet!

The Distillers’ Cut Gin Gimlet

The History…

The biggest threat to a mariner in the 16th to 18th centuries wasn’t pirates or sharks, but scurvy - claiming some 2 million sailors!

We now know scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C.

In 1867 Lauchlan Rose figured out a way to preserve lime juice with sugar, the very same year the Merchant Shipping Act decreed that all British sailors must have an ounce of lime juice in their rations every day!

Naval doctor Sir Thomas Gimlette advised sailors to add gin to their lime ration to make it more palatable - and hence the Gimlet was born!

How To Make your Own Lime Cordial


  •  4 x limes, washed

  • 100g caster sugar

  • Water


Peel the zest from the 4 limes (trying not to get any pith), and cover the zest with 100g caster sugar in a Tupperware container or mason jar. Leave for 24 hours (you can stir/shake occasionally if desired) and the sugar will pull the flavoursome oils from the lime zest.

The resulting syrup can be used right away with some fresh lime juice to create a much improved Gimlet on the ‘fresh' approach. 

To turn the Oleo into cordial, simmer it (peels and all) with 200ml water for five minutes, allow to cool, and then add the juice of up to 4 limes. You want a good balance so taste after adding the juice of each lime to ensure it’s to your liking. 

Pour into a clean (ideally sterilised) bottle and this will keep in the fridge for up to a week. To make it last longer, add 50ml vodka.

For minimal waste… bake the used lime zest on a parchment covered baking tray at a low temp (120-140 degrees) until caramelised and crispy, then enjoy with dark chocolate!

Gimlet Recipe:

Shake with ice and fine strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime twist.


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