Mediterranean Stuffed Peppers with Rosemary & Bay Vodka

This vegetarian recipe is simple to make, yet deliciously tasty! The peppers are sweet, tender and packed full of beautiful seasonal flavours, with a delicious kick from our very own Rosemary & Bay Vodka!

Here’s How:

1.    Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds, but leave the stalk on and cut though that also, it helps the peppers hold their shape.

2.    Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and a few into quarters, and stuff each pepper with them. Pack the in nice and full, and use the quartered ones to fill any small spaces.

3.    Rough chop garlic and generously sprinkle into each pepper.

4.    Liberally drizzle olive oil all over the peppers and the filling and season with a little sea salt and black pepper.

5.    Place into a shallow roasting dish and put into the oven at 180 degrees for 45 to 50 mins. The edges of the peppers should be starting to colour a little.

Remove from the oven and drizzle with Aval Dor Rosemary and Bay Vodka while still sizzling. Serve immediately with plenty of ciabatta or focaccia bread to mop up all the delicious juices.


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